Monday, September 26, 2011

Fougasse, Careless Talk Costs Lives


Kenneth Cyril Bird 1887 - 1965

Was a cartoonist and humourist who made a unique contribution to Britain's home-front during WW2. Bird signed his work Fougasse. A name he took from an unpredictable form of French land-mine in WWl. He and his comrades discovered, through bitter experience, that the bomb was likely to go off at any time.

Bird's own personality was anything but explosive. He was remembered by his colleagues at Punch as a quiet and withdrawn man. His drawings and cartoons, like HM Bateman's, offer a social commentary on British middle-class anxieties in the middle decades of the last century.

Fougasse was commissioned by RoSPA to produce illustrated guides for road safety during the 1930's.  The objectives of RoSPA were achieved by appeal to the ideal of courteous driving and road-side manners. Similarly, his posters for London Transport show passengers how their behaviour can make the transport system work better for everyone. Fougasse always acknowledged these posters as propaganda. Indeed, he devised a series of guidelines for the successful communication of propaganda messages through humour.

The stoic good humour of the British people during WW2 is one of the founding mythologies of the home-front. The popular experience of the war is recalled by reference to the ubiquitous Careless Talk posters that Fougasse drew for the MInistry of Information. The posters (as can be seen above) were published as a series of eight drawings in many formats. They were displayed in any public place and in many military establishments. Each of the drawings shows Hitler and Goering, in absurd poses, evesdropping on an unsuspecting public. The posters succeed in making a serious point light-heartedly. Although printed in very large editions during the war, the posters are rare today. Examples in good condition are extremely difficult to find. 

Measures 12,1/2" x 8" (32 x 20 cm).

For more information please contact us: CoolStuffAcrossThePond

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Who are Cool Stuff Across The Pond? Glimpses into our life.

Sure we have cool stuff.  And yes, we love sharing it with you.  But who are we?

Visit to read our "official" about us.

Personally, I think sharing snapshots of our life will give you a better glimpse into who we are.
And it's so much more FUN this way!!!

I'll be posting more every time I get a chance.

Thanks for visiting, and check back often.  We're happy you're here!

Today's photos are from a stop over in Arizona.

Oh, the cool stuff we found in Arizona!!!

Phil & Natalia xx

Sterling Silver Western Belt Buckle

Sterling silver western belt buckle by Montana Silver Smiths. 

4' X 3" of silver hand made in the USA. 
These are beautiful, Ive been wearing one
 like this most days for the last 6 years.

 A true quality item!

For more info contact us: CoolStuffAcrossThePond

Friday, September 23, 2011

Vintage 1950's Ringling Bros Barnum & Bailey Circus Poster

Ladeez n' Gennnullllmen, Boy's and Girls.... Brought to you all the way from the USofA, very much for your viewing pleasure, please feast your eyes on this rare and beautiful original 1950's Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey circus poster! 

The Ringling Bros Circus has been the most well known and famous traveling family attraction in the USA ever since the late 1800's. This poster regularly sells for $800+ on ebay. This fantastic poster measures 42 x 21" and is in A1 perfect condition and needs no cleaning up at all.

Please contact us for more info: CoolStuffAcrossThePond

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Vintage 1950's Pendleton - Classic piece for your fall/winter wardrobe!

Pendleton - 100% Virgin New Wool, 1950's Beautifully made, LS "49er" Jacket from this famous Portland, Oregon weaving company. Lined with soft fabric for added comfort. 1 left chest pocket/ 2 hand pockets at waist/ Red, gray, blue, and green plaid. 1-button cuffs with slit, 25" Underarm to underarm/ 30" Shoulder to hem/ 19" Sleeves-underarm to cuff. Size: Medium. Very warm, very tough, very cool in a Rockabilly 50's kind of way, Go Kat Go!!!

Contact us for more info: CoolStuffAcrossThePond

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

1930 National Style 0

1930 National Style 0. In near mint condition. Neck joins body at 12th fret, not 14 as in the one on the cover of Dire Staits Brothers In Arms album.

This one is so clean it even still has the original decal on the front of the head stock. Serial No. S2212. Comes with modern hard flight case.

For more info contact us: CoolStuffAcrossThePond

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Vintage 1958 Movie Poster - The Sheepman. Glenn Ford, Shirley MacLaine, Leslie Nielsen

Classic MGM original Western film poster from 1958. 1 sheet poster measuring 27 x 41 inches. The creases and slight yellowing visible will both be sorted out by the linen backing process. Check out the film, the plot and the cast at

Contact us for more info: CoolStuffAcrossThePond